For every business, there will come a time when you face some type of potential crisis. The worst-case scenario is to be caught completely off guard and become a hostage to the situation as it unfolds. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid that scenario, both in terms of minimizing potential problems and managing a situation that has already developed. However, you need someone with extensive experience who can deftly maneuver your business through some difficult waters. At Erdal Employment Law, we have unparalleled experience in helping our clients get through the investigative process and, more importantly, helping them chart a course forward.
Proactive Investigations
Building a successful business requires keen instincts and the courage to take action when you sense that the business has gotten off course. Unfortunately, the problem isn’t always easy to identify, and it can be even harder to know how to move forward. In addition, your day-to-day responsibilities leave little time for managing an internal investigation.
If you believe that something isn’t quite right, the first thing to do is to trust your instincts. When that happens, you need to partner with an employment lawyer who knows how to manage an investigation without disrupting your daily business operations. Someone who knows what questions to ask and where to look. More importantly, someone who knows how to get the answers you need and will then work with you to develop a strategy for moving forward.
Parallel Investigations
We also work with clients where the problem has already come to light. Whether you are facing litigation or enforcement action from a government agency, one of your best options in these situations is to conduct your own internal investigation. Engaging an experienced employment attorney to manage a parallel investigation can yield the following benefits:
- Conducting your own investigation indicates that you are serious about addressing the root of the problem and are prepared to fully cooperate with the other party to the extent appropriate.
- Your lawyer can act as an independent and neutral third party who can candidly assess any potential issues.
- Your lawyer’s investigation can determine what potential violations occurred and what potential liabilities you may be facing.
- As a result of your parallel investigation, you will know ahead of time what the other party’s investigation will yield. This allows you to minimize the damage, weigh your options, and develop a strategy for responding to the situation.
- Your lawyer can use the results of your own investigation to open a dialogue with the opposing party that will hopefully result in a faster, more cost-effective resolution.
If you are facing an investigation, the best thing you can do is to take action and contact an employment attorney who can help you proactively manage the situation.
Contact New Jersey and New York Firm Erdal Employment Law Today
At Erdal Employment Law, we help our clients get to the bottom of potential problems. Responsive, cost-effective, and results-oriented, we have the experience you need to overcome whatever challenges you may be facing. Contact us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs and how we can help.